Be Among The First To Read The Dragon, The Eagle And The Jaguar

Team Walker is searching for new members to be among the first to read The Dragon, The Eagle And The Jaguar.

If you have experience reading, reviewing and letting others know about thrilling novels, apply today. If selected as a member of Team Walker, you will receive an advanced reader copy (ARC) of the book and will be asked to use your unique skills to infiltrate social networks/review sites with your thoughts on the novel.

If successful, you can become eligible to win a Grand Prize Pack, which includes signed editions of all of my Team Walker novels. One Ultimate Prize Pack winner will receive a $100 gift card to their favorite independent bookstore.

Enter via the form below.

My latest novel

Can Team Walker checkmate their foes before chaos reigns supreme? Get my latest novel today.

my latest gritt novel

Tempest North, prequel to the Gritt Family Series is the story of love, conflict and a captain’s pride.

walker NOVEL #2

In 2023, I published The Shadow Game. Ensure you’re ready for DEJ (Walker #3), get The Shadow Game today.

Rodger Recommends

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to meet Carrick Esquivel, a young man who was just finishing up his formal education.


Learn more about the characters and genres I write about, from insights to historical data.

Rodger’s two cents

Each month, I provide my thoughts on current events. Let me know if there is a topic you would like me to address.

Rodger’s Experience

I just finished a hike in the mountains above my house. It is January in Alaska, and we have almost no snow…

Rodger’s Top-5 Lists

Each month, I post Top-5 Lists covering a variety of topics: books, movies, foods, and much more!

RodgeR That…

Each month, I share a bit of my background and the adventures I’ve experienced in my life.