I recently published The Shadow Game (Walker #2). Don’t miss Team Walker’s next adventure..
New Version Available
This updated and reedited edition provides an even more thrilling story for readers. Check it out today.
Noatak Christmas
Most of the inhabitants of the Noatak Valley are Alaska Native, still hunting, gathering and living a secluded life.
If you missed my interview with Jeff Clark on the Course of Action Podcast or my profile in The Dossier, check them out now.
Rodger’s Top-5 Lists
Each month, I post Top-5 Lists covering a variety of topics: books, movies, foods, and much more!
RodgeR That…
Each month, I share a bit of my background and the adventures I’ve experienced in my life.
Military Giveaway
If you know a current military member or a Veteran that’s a Thriller fan, enter them in the Monthly Military Giveaway!
Learn more about the characters in The Shadow Game, The Eel and the Angel and Two Civil Wars.
Rodger’s two cents
Each month, I provide my thoughts on current events. Let me know if there is a topic you would like me to address.
The music I listened to while writing this book came from a half-dozen different genres.
My Latest GRITT Novel
Chad Gritt once thought of himself as a hero until a rescue mission turned into a bloodbath.
Rodger’s Charities
Hopefully, you will take a moment to learn more about the charities I support and, maybe, help them out as well.