A Taste Of The Wild: Preparing Savory Wild Game For Your Table

As a writer from Alaska, one who from time to time saves story protagonists from starvation by helping them harvest wild game, I’m repeatedly asked several questions and comments:

Do you really hunt?

I hate wild game, how can you eat it?

I’d love to learn to hunt, but I have no idea how to process something I harvest.

My family refuses to eat the (pick one) deer, elk, moose, caribou I bring home.

Because of these questions, I am dedicating a new blog to the topic of hunting and sharing my wild game recipes. Before we get started, I’d like to share some processing and cooking preparation “musts” that will dramatically improve the flavor of wild game on your table.

Field Processing

Take the hide off the animal as quickly as you can. Remove as much of the fat just under the hide as possible and discard. Fat allowed to remain on the animal will become rancid, tainting the meat underneath. For larger animals, like elk and moose, cut the animal into quarters. These steps allow the meat to cool out quickly, which eliminates the risk of it becoming tainted. 

Preparation for Cooking

  1. Slowly thaw frozen meat in the refrigerator.

  2. Cut away and discard excess fat or membranes.

  3. Soak the meat in saltwater for at least 12 hours before cooking to draw out the blood.

  4. Rinse off the salt and allow the cut of meat to air dry for a couple of hours before cooking.

  5. Find a recipe you think you will like. Many game recipes include marinades.

  6. Use the same cooking times for game as you do for a cut of beef.